A Visit to a Video travel Center: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

In this picture is a video travel station where people are connected to railway staff via screen, loudspeaker or microphone. One can get information here for booking a travel ticket, timetable, etc. It's located in a serene area to allow seamless communication and probably an area with a good network coverage.

No one is using the service for now, and I suspect people in this town rarely seek advice, not because they don't want it, but because they're informed. Only strangers may want guidance on travel matters here.

picture by @wakeupkitty

A visit to a video travel Center

Greg, a tourist, visited Ghost Town for the first time. He was prepared to travel by train but needed to check the travel timetable and needed good advice on how to make the most out of his journey.

"Why not try the video travel center?" Gad advised, "I believe the staff would give you some good advice", he added.

It was Greg's first time and was skeptical if he would get the desired result. He asked a few people who were familiar with the center and he was told how reliable it was.

He visited the video center the next morning and was amazed at how seamless the process went. He was able to talk to one of the staff on screen who provided him with a detailed timetable on places the train will travel to and the exact time. He left there satisfied with the information he got.

This is in response to the Contest by freewritehouse. It's still active for participation

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