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A picture is worth a Thousand words

The ways we see things as individuals differ, and that's why pictures could speak a thousand words from different perspectives.

What Do I See From The Below Picture
I see an old man wearing glasses and a woman who seems to be a blonde sitting on a bench reading a newspaper. The woman is holding the newspaper in the wrong position facing upside-down, while the man is holding his' correctly. The newspaper is written in a different language from English.

What I feel

The woman may have been bored sitting silently, so she decided to pretend to read. Unknowingly for her, she was holding the newspaper in the wrong position. I feel they're strangers, and she also wanted to prove she's informed about the happenings.

Mr. Rufus had gone out to his favorite spot to read one evening. It was cold, the rain had just stopped drizzling, he wore his sweater to help prevent the cold. A few minutes later, a blonde woman almost his age joined him.
"Good evening", she greeted.
"Good evening" he responded and remained silent. Mr. Rufus doesn't like to be interrupted when reading and that's why he chose this spot.

He was surprised when he noticed her pulling out a newspaper from her handbag, he never believed women also enjoying reading newspapers. With kin interest, he stared at hoping to engage her in a conversation when he noticed she was holding the newspaper upside down. He smiled and continued reading.