A picture is worth a thousand words

Reference - @the.artist-98

What I see From the Picture

I see a man wearing a blue shirt and brown trousers flashing a torchlight on an iron pipe that seems broken. Behind him is a sofa, and the door beside him is locked but the doorknob looks broken In the dark. The building is old, this is obvious with the peeling paint.

What I feel from the picture

I feel it was late into the night, and rushing water must have woken up the young man on a blue shirt. The broken doorknob signifies a thief must have tried to break in.

Story from the picture

It was Sunday evening, Mr. Donald had gone to bed early to have some rest from the daily stress. At about midnight, he was awoken by some noises outside the compound, the noise was persistent until 2:00 a.m, shortly he gave attention to the tap outside rushing. I turned off the tap before going to bed he said mumbling as he struggled to get up from the bed. He took his torchlight lying beside him and rushed outside to see who has opened the tap that late. He was surprised to notice the pipe was broken as he flashed the torchlight on the naked pipe at the back of the building and the back door through the lock showed sign that a thief had tried to buckle the door.

He wondered who the thief must have been, it was few days to Christmas and all the neighbors had traveled home to do the celebration there. "The thief had assumed everyone had traveled and no one at home" he said. He looked around for footprints but none was seen, he must have climbed the fence stepping on the sofa he thought. He held the rushing water from pouring and returned to his sleep after he resolved to report it to the police the next morning.

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