My New Year Cherub: Chance The Charming

Hello everybody this is my entry for @snooks challenge #4 create your new year cherub. If you want to join in on this contest check out this link here: Create Your New Year Cherub Challenge
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So this is Chance sitting there perched on the little stone bench. He is a travelling type cherub not ever staying in one place for longer than a year. He gets passed around and sold at local garage sales and travels the world hanging out in gardens and lush yards throughout the year. Here is a place he was quite fond of with the vibrant greens and red and yellow hues this was a place he stayed for the longest almost one year in full.

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He was sold at the year-end yard sale and made his way to his new home for the time beings another bountiful and beautiful yard. Finding a perfect spot to call home for the next few months he enjoyed his stay here watching the birds come and go and seeing the change in colours through the months. Before he knew it was again time to find another place this time getting sold on ebay and shipped across the world to a foreign place he never heard of.

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Chance didn't like this place at all it was cold and dreary filled with all sorts of strange antiques. He couldn't see the colours that he was so used to and feel the warm sunlight grace his porcelain body. Thankfully a local woman bought him before too long and took him home to her lovely garden.

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At last back out in the wonderful outdoors seeing all the vibrant colours brought certain happiness to him. He was so thankful to get out of that ominous shop and back into the nature where he was so fond of. He stayed here for a very long time as well having special gratitude to the sweet woman who took him in. It wasn't until the woman got an offer for him she couldn't refuse.

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Although Chance never considered staying in one place forever when getting here in this beautiful oasis he felt he found his forever home. He was tended to each and every day getting daily hose showers and having many people come and take pictures with the centrepiece of the garden. He couldn't be happier and his newfound owners made him feel like the most special cherub in the world. He stayed here for eternity getting passed down from generation to generation watching over the garden and enjoying the company of the birds that would come by every year and perch themselves on his stone shoulders. He found his paradise and was ecstatic to spend his immortal life situated in this sprawling place of beauty, colour and love.


And with that, this story is done I hope you liked my entry for snooks challenge #4. Another great challenge and these challenges really get me thinking outside of the box I never even knew what a
cherub was just the song from the smashing pumpkins which I will leave below if you haven't heard give it a listen. Overall had a blast participating in this one too thank you snook for making these challenges looking forward to the next one 😄

Source: Youtube

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