My Imaginary Friend: Daelin The Dragon

Hello everybody this is my submission for the create your imaginary friend challenge made by @snook check out her post here to enter yourself: Create Your Imaginary friend Challenge

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Daelin the dragon.png

I was on my way to school one morning when I heard this loud crash in the field beside me. Rubbing the sleep out of my tired eyes I gazed upon a mythical creature...a DRAGON?!?! I could not believe my eyes as this massive green giant lay in the field hunched over and nursing what looked to be a damaged wing. No one but me was around as I was an early riser and liked to get to school early so I could play on the swings before attending class.

I quickly ran over to the big green giant...hesitant and maybe a little bit scared but ever curious to find out about the fantastical beast. As I approached him he gazed into my eyes with a look of desperation and help. I could tell he was injured but I had no idea what I could do to help this wonderful but terrifying creature out. His wing was broken and he couldn't get the power to get off the ground again. With that one look, I knew I needed to help this gentle giant out he didn't seem like he wanted to hurt me or cause havoc like all the stories I have read about them.



It was strange as I felt I could understand what he was asking of me... I don't speak dragon and he didn't speak English so how was this possible? Either way, it was too much for my brain to comprehend at the time and I needed to focus on getting him back to health. He could still walk so I lead him to trees trying to keep him hidden from everybody else. I knew people would find him I mean he is a dragon how well can I hide him. The trees were my best bet but it wouldn't last long I would have to find a more long-term solution.

I scurried my way back home as quickly as I could, I would have to try to sneak back in as Mom would surely wonder what I was doing back so soon. As I approached my place Dad was just leaving for work and I slowly crept up to the window trying to peek in to see where Mom was. Thankfully she had fallen asleep on the couch giving me the perfect opportunity to get in and get out. I opened the back door ever so slightly but it sent out an obnoxious creak. I gently closed it behind me gazing into the living room seeing Mom was still asleep PHEW!!! I went to the bathroom where we kept the first-aid kit I grabbed it and a few blankets from my room as well. I loaded up my radio flyer wagon and made my way back to the field.



Kids were starting to show up now I could see the twins Timmy and Jimmy walking through the field but thankfully they were too occupied with their gameboys to pay attention to the lurking presence under the trees. As I got back to the dragon he looked at me again with a gaze of enlightenment this time, he spoke to me in a way I still couldn't understand stating his name was Daelin and he was thankful I was willing to help him out. I didn't know how to respond so I just thought in my mind replying with my name is Dylan and it was my pleasure. To my amazement, it worked as he said it's nice to meet you Dylan in a deep and burly voice. I unpacked the first aid kit wrapping his wing with some bandages, before I knew it I used up all the gauze it wasn't much but it seemed to give Daelin some relief. I finished up by covering him with the blankets I brought hoping to further keep him hidden and provide a little warmth to him.

The thought of skipping school to stay with him was running through my mind, but that would have worried my mother and that was one of the last things I wanted to do. So I told him I would come to check on him during recess and as soon as school finished I would be here. I also said I would move him to the garage later that night. I didn't know how I was gonna tell my parents about this but I knew it was something I needed to do. I felt an instant connection with Daelin as I didn't have many friends this seemed like a very special encounter and one I did not want to squander or let getaway.

Sitting in class I asked Robbie If I could sit in his normal spot for the day right by the window so I could keep an eye on the hiding spot. Robbie gave me some hassle but after offering my dunkaroos for the spot he quickly accepted and let me have it. I was not paying attention in class at all the only thing I could think about was Daelin and him possibly being discovered. As the day went on I got first recess and had to sneakily make my way over to him without anyone seeing. Most of the kids were in the playground occupied with the jungle gym and having fun with their friends. I crept ever so slightly closer and closer to the trees being wary of any onlookers. As I got there Daelin was still there resting I told him only a few more hours and I would be able to hang out with him.



The bell rang and I said my goodbyes and quickly ran back to class. He seemed perfectly fine but I was a nervous wreck very skittish and constantly watching out the window. My teacher walked by and slapped my desk with a ruler making a loud thud and causing me to jump out of my seat...PAY ATTENTION!!! she yelled at me, sorry Mrs.Moore I replied and refocused on the whiteboard writing down some notes from today's lesson. Finally, the school bell rang for the end of the day I was watching that clock like a hawk and when I heard it go off I flew out of my seat and ran home as fast as I could. I told a lie to mom which that I was going to hang out with the Twins and would be back later. I hated doing that but I couldn't come up with a better explanation, she was cool with that and had some food prepared for me so I took it and quickly ran back to the field.

Kids were still playing in the playground as an afterschool activity. I didn't want to draw attention to me or Daelin so I went and joined in on the fun. Mainly just swinging watching the trees like a vulture looking for food. After a few hours passed it was just me left on the playground and I knew it was safe to go over to Daelin now. He was wide awake and happy to see me I offered him one of my peanut butter and jam sandwiches and he looked at me with a look of disbelief. I tossed it to him he caught it and in one gulp swallowed it whole, to his excitement he pondered what was this divine creation. I told him Mom's special PB&J sammies and he asked if he could have another, I still had 2 left so I threw him one more and his eyes lit up with an endearing glow.

I hung out with him for hours waiting for the sun to go down so I could gradually move him to the garage. It was now dark out around 9 PM and I knew Mom was gonna be wondering why I was out for so long. I grabbed Daelin and started to walk him back to my place taking the back roads and alleyways to be as hidden as possible. Finally arriving at my place and not being seen by anybody on our way I was thankful we made it home safely and securely. I cracked the garage door and moved him inside there telling him he would be safe. I layed down some blankets on the oil stained concrete and let him rest there for the night. He told me Dragons heal quick and he should be all healed by morning. I could hear this raucous rumble coming from his stomach he didn't say anything but I needed to get him something to eat.


As I got in the front door Mom was wondering why I was out for so long as expected. I came up with another lie I was too terrified to tell her I met a dragon and he is currently staying in the garage. She waved me off and didn't think much of it, she told me to go get dinner it was getting cold. I went to the table and since they already ate it was me alone sitting there at the table. I took a few bites of the meat loaf and potatoes but I saved most for Daelin. I hid the plate in the bottom cupboard hoping Mom wouldn't look there. I thanked her for a wonderful dinner and went to my room now thinking how I would sneak out and feed Daelin.

After a few hours of hanging out in my room Mom came to check on me to see if I was sleeping. I kept my eyes closed and she turned out the lights assuming I was sleeping. I heard the door shut to her room and I got out of bed creeping to my door. I slowly opened it and all the lights were out signalling to me it was safe to sneak out and check on Daelin. I tiptoed down the steps and grabbed the dish of food from the bottom cupboard it was still there but ice cold now. I didn't want to risk making noise from the microwave so I just grabbed it and made my way to the back door. I unlocked the latch and slowly opened it and it made that horrid creak again ughhh please don't wake up Mom I prayed.

I made my way to the garage and there was Daelin perked up and excited to see me. I told him I brought him some food it wasn't much but I hope it could help. He looked at the plate of food like it was royal feast and I told him go ahead eat it up. Two licks later and the food was gone he said to me these delicacies were profound and how he has never eaten anything like this in his life. I hung out with him all night listening to stories of his past and sharing some of my own. I ended up falling alseep next to the gentle creature not even knowing how fast the time passed.

I woke up to a bloodcurdling scream as my Mom and Dad came in to the garage and saw me sleeping next to this massive beast. They quickly yelled at me to get away from it and Daelin stood up towering over them. He communicated to me saying thank you for everything Dylan but now is my time to go. My parents stared in sheer disbelief as Daelin shook off the bandages on his wing, he gave me one final stare and cracked what look to be a loving smile. I pushed the button to open the garage door and with one big flap of his wings he flew out of the garage with vigour.

I broke out of my parents arms and watched him fly through the air with grace. As sad as I was to see him go I felt a big relief and sense happiness to see him go happy and healthy. I couldn't stop thinking of him for the next few months always watching the skies and visiting the hiding place reflecting on that moment with the special creature.

One day walking home from school and this huge shadow covered me from overhead. I gazed up in and in sheer happiness I seen him...Daelin!!! He was overhead and flew down landing in the middle of the field, he nodded to me and told me to jump on his back and hold on tight to his horns. I was brimming with excitement and hopped on not knowing what was in store but ecstatic to seem my special friend again. He flapped his wings and we were off the wind rushing through my hair and air filling my lungs. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time but I was so enthralled that any fears fell by the wayside.

Daelin was so happy to see me again and the feeling was mutual he told me he would visit once a month and take me on a ride through the clouds and catch up. I told him deal and I would look forward to that day every month. We flew around high in the clouds sharing each others company before letting me down back in the field. I kept this special secret to me and told no one however the twins swear they could see me flying on the bright green dragon but I denied it and never admitted it to anyone. Only my parents knew the truth but never mentioned that day to me again they still couldn't believe what they saw.


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