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The Magic Box

Imagine there's a box, a big one. Its attached to a cart. A cart standing in middle of nowhere. With a flash of light you see yourself there. There is your name written on that cart. A voice echo's to tell you that "its your cart, you can take it, ride it, roam with it. This cart is to take you places. You can keep the cart till the time you want or till it works."

You looks around and finds yourself all alone, no one is here. "Is it a game?" a thought comes to your mind. "Or may be a dream?". "Whatever it is for now the best is to take the cart and leave from here" your mind reminds you. But what about this box. Does it has anything in it ? You don't know that and the box is locked for you to open and check it.

As you take your position on the cart to ride it, you can see some lights in distance. May be a city or town there. The journey begins and you feel probably the box is empty as the cart is moving like its floating in air. Its light as if there is no weight.

In a short time you can see the change in landscape. There are trees on both side of road. The city seems to be very close now. Soon the city gates are in sight. "Its huge!" you thought as you entered the city through those gates.
What a wonderful place it is. You have everything you can imagine here. From fruit laden trees to sky scrappers, from ponds, lakes to sea shores, from plain fields to mountains, from snow peaks to dessert valley, from fountains, waterfalls to volcanos, from slums to palaces, from temples to brothels.

Just now you felt there is some pressure in riding the cart now. Though its negligible but it can be felt that its not floating as earlier. But this place has so much to offer you immediately get rid of that thought.

Well from here on what you want to experience in the city and for how long is a personal choice. The vast variety on offer will never let you run out of choices. All the people here are like you riding there cart. Smiling faces to teary eyes everything can be found around. Though all are same in size some carts are appearing to be heavy than others. Some just entered the city as you and some appears to be old enough to nearing their end.

'The magic box'.. Ah what's the magic in that box. Why do you and all around you have one such box with them. This box is magical as it attracts or copies things within, whatever it finds around, whatever it goes through, whatever its surrounded by.
The box is empty initially that's why the cart is so light to ride, as you moves on whatever you experience or goes through, whatever path you take the box copies things it goes through within it.

Hence the box keeps going heavier. Amazingly the box can hold exponentially more than its size. But it still has some limits. If its full the cart is so heavy that its hard to pull. You cannot experience more things. Some people keep their box light, some fill it to maximum, some fill it with anything they find, some picks it carefully. Some boxes may be filled literally with garbage. Some may be treasure of knowledge.

Your choice how you want to fill it and with what. If its full either nothing new can be put in or something else will spill out if you try to fill it more.
May be something from this box will be prefilled in your children box. May be you got something prefilled from your parents box.

What this box is.? why we should care about what's going in it? How does it affects us ?
We should get our answers on our own.

Just random thoughts.
Thanks for reading all through it.
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Be careful what you consume... It all goes in that magic box and remains there forever!