23 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2381: Her achievement

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay


“Oh, this is just perfect – we can thank God for it being Sunday, for having the Good Neighbors Fellowship on a screen under a big tent, for the food, and for Grandma getting this big award from the state of New York, all at the same time!”

All the Ludlow grandchildren shared in eleven-year-old Eleanor's excitement over Mrs. Thalia Ludlow's writing about her experiences as an administrative nurse receiving recognition from an entire state – she had brought the big, pretty placard with her for the Sunday visit.

“So, when this pandemic stuff is over,” nine-year-old Milton Trent said from next door, “we gotta be there too as they give your grandma the award at the Empire State Building!”

“How do we know that it's going to be at the Empire State Building?” eight-year-old Edwina said.

“Come on, Edwina – it's the most fashionable place in the city!”

“Well, yeah,” she said.

“Ain't it the truth,” Milton's eight-year-old sister Gracie said. “My cousin Vertran will put it up on his channels, too!”

“Yeah, that skyline rocks – but look, we need to have the whole thing in the afternoon or evenings so the sun isn't hogging up the video,” nine-year-old Vertran said.

“We're going to need to talk to their event planner,” Edwina said, “because they don't need to be messing this up!”

“Yeah, you better get 'em on the phone, because pandemic stuff but, next week, though!” five-year-old Lil' Robert said.

“Look, if y'all get me some more Legos, I'll just rebuild the Empire State Building here so we don't have to go up there,” six-year-old Grayson said.

“I'll help!” seven-year-old Amanda said, “because Grandma is pretty and it's gotta be pretty, so, while Edwina is getting New York straight, I'll hold down things here!”

“I've got the security, as the knight-in-training!” nine-year-old George said. “I'm telling all the bugs, 'You shall not pass!' – and if they get through, I'm gonna sue 'em!”

“Can I draw or paint you holding the award, Mrs. Ludlow?” eleven-year-old Velma Trent said. “I think it will be really nice to do that while we wait to go to New York.”

“Sure, Velma.”

Capt. R.E. Ludlow, neighbor to the Trents and Stepforths, Ludlow grandfather, husband to Mrs. Thalia Ludlow, felt tears coming to his eyes. The way he had been raised, men were generally not too eager to encourage their wives to do things that would get them recognized by the world, because a woman's place was serving her husband and family in the home. Ironically, Mrs. Ludlow had done her writing from home, and all Capt. Ludlow had needed to do to support her was make a meal every day and take up extra chores … but for his father and grandfather, that would have been something they would have felt they did not need to do.

In retrospect, Capt. Ludlow realized that the competition for superiority men like him seemed to always think they were in had come into their homes and stifled so much joy that could have been had, because his grandchildren were overjoyed with their friends, and God was being praised. What had the problem ever been?

But then again, Robert Edward Ludlow Sr. loved his wife, in all her brilliant fullness … there was no spirit of competition there … her achievement took nothing from him, but instead added happiness … both had been in powerful service and had deep mutual admiration for each other, and he was glad New York State had recognized his wife's work.

“I look at it this way,” he had joked with her about it in Eleanor, Edwina, and Amanda's earshot. “Obviously, you're a genius – and I'm glad other people are recognizing it because at the same time they will think, 'How smart does HE have to be to have gotten her to marry him?'”

“See, that's the kind of husband I need,” Eleanor said. “Smart enough to know that if I'm smart, we're smart.”

“Ain't it the truth,” Edwina and Amanda said, after the manner of their best friend Gracie.

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