A Beautiful Life : A Freewrite

Everyone should have a beautiful life. When you don't have a beautiful life ahead of you with no results to show, people will actually ask you or even detest you for leaving.

Result is what determine life. If you don't have results and you don't have works, people will surely ask you someone necessary question, and you better be ready to give them answers and to show them that you are in the process and you are trying to make it and you are believing in yourself. That you are believing in yourself that everything is going to be fine.

Everything. Need to be placed at the end of the day, because if you have not come up with this ideology, people will ask you and you will surely be depressed for it. You won't be happy.

The product of all that you are trying to put into work will not even come to work in the 1st place. So you have to be ready and be.

Active to counterattack every actions that is trying to question the processes of your life.

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