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Richest people | 5 Minutes Freewrite Story

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"What you you understand by being rich?"
Andre rose her hand, waving it for the class teacher to give her the permission to air her view.
The class teacher intentionally ignored her, simply because she's not from a rich home.
This distabilized her to the fullest, made her to make a decision to be rich.
She worked every now and then in order to get paid, even as a student.
One thing that she did was ignoring her teacher at all cost. She never answered her, even when she gave her the opportunity to get her awards as a graduate.
She worked very hard after college with her 3.6 CGPA cert., got her dream job, but was still doing part time jobs.
One day, her destiny came into actualization. She, being among the most influential persons in town was mentioned in her alma mater reunion as one of the richest people that graduated from the school.


Every challenge, disappointment is a blessing, a door to achieving greatness

This is my entry post to @mariannewest 5 minutes freewrite