Hello boys | 5 Minutes Freewrite Story

img_0.11804010204793128.jpg piscina / piscina By @renata96

Being a girl among many boys has many effects which I consider inappropriate.
Some of which are; being unable to communicate with your female friends like they do to you, dealing with emotional scenes unemotionally, finding it hard to say "sorry" to things that worth less attention and many more.
In my case, it was something else when it comes to apologise. I don't easily say sorry, even when am really wrong until I vexed the victim or her/sh complains.
I've been like this from my childhood till age 24, scaring away suitors and those who cared to love me.
On one faithful day, my cup got full. Imagine girls calling an endowed babe like me "Bro". It was so terrible and I felt like retaliating, but it was in the public. I tried laughing over it because I was on scene with my sugar crush.
For them, I didn't hear or reacted to it the way they wanted me to.
Among every group of girls, there's a great commander, the influencer and pair pressurizing agent. Such character was fully interested in what I would do if she pitched her skills.
She did as expected on one of them, sending her a very very annoying message to deliver to me. On getting to where I was, she shouted;
"Hello boys!!"
"What's popping?!"
These words got me to an intensed aggressive mode. I wanted to strangle her with my hands, but I was on scene with a very important person. Maybe it's a trial.
I professionally controlled the atmosphere, finished what I was doing before the girls and waited for the rabbit outside the bar🔥💥🔞

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