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5 Minutes Freewrite Using Prompt- Color wheel

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The evening came, I had to submit to mother nature.

"Hello dear!"
"How are your doing"
He replied with a face full of smiles, just like the morning sun.
It pleased my heart as he smiled like the sun, brighter than all I've ever wanted.
I looked up to him that day to solve my homework and he never disappointed me.
This happened just last week and we were just classmates.
He saw and noticed the effects of my greenlight.
For me, it was like "boy go go go!, the girl is loving you!"
He was very smart to react to it maturely.
In a space of two weeks, we graduated from being classmates to best friends and after a month we became lovers.
Being with him made everything brand new, costlier than the costliest.
He became part of my that I will never wish to loose.
One of the days that I got so tied up to being with him was the day he took me out with his coloured wheels, his bicycle.
We kissed, cuddled and did whatever that was pleasurable.
Oh God, I need this guy right now!
That has been what I want.
I had to wake up from the dream before it turns to something else.
LMAC 😂😂😂