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Unknowingly Setting My Inheritance of The Company - Blockchain Coffee “Bags of Grain”

420FreeWrite Prompt "Bags of Grain"

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Blockchain Coffee = Ask Me Anything

Today's #FreeWrite Prompt = "Bags of Grain"

Drop your question, any question, with any #freewrite post link, for votes & cross platform mention in upcoming posts ❤️

So today's writing below is a work of fiction so please take it with a grain of salt though it will be a good read pulling from real life events of my own along with people I know personally.

Unknowingly Setting My Inheritance of The Company - Blockchain Coffee “Bags of Grain”

Your first introduction into Cannabis will most likely come through something
small or discrete, possibly even a passing notion only just barely able to get
your attention but not enough to hold it. A situation which down the road of
life will make sense … with an oh that is where I remember that smell from
for myself that moment was one where many memories of family dismissing my
interest as a child came flooding back prompted by a situation I only ever once

I don’t know about you but for me life has always been strange, so many odd
coincidences, misfortunate events. Choices made which have long lasting bearing
into the future yet often remains unbeknownst to me till moments that everything
makes sense … My Family Are Growers!!! … it hit me like a rock as my mind
reeled through moments of my childhood having curiosities dismissed. That smell,
such an attention-grabbing aroma, I could never forget it, but I had never
actually known it either. Though I was right with my facepalming epiphany I was
also failing to grasp the scale to which my family operated at feeling dumb as
it was!

How did I miss this? Twenty years under their roof and only now they decide to
let me in on the secret? And in such an obvious way? Like hey, look at this
pile of weed
that is normally all nicely packed up stored away just waiting for
you stumble across … then a talk about our business … yea yea thinking the
whole time, sure we sell pot along with the other bags of grain, whatever man

it seems this talk was prompted by my carelessness. I basically just spend the
day picking products for the till and loading vehicles at our family business.
One day last week I sent someone home with a big bag of green instead of the
feed beside it which they got into some serious hot water for.

Man did I feel stupid! I never picked that product before, not sure how I
managed to do it that day but luckily … I thought … my family said it was time
to explain the business to me anyways. Never did get told what happened to the
person or who it was … found that curious as if a made-up situation … I was
told how much of a loss it accounted for which is where my mind started to grasp
scale at which the family operated. They stated I packed $40,000 in Cannabis
into the back of a loyal farmers truck who was pulled over for the faint smell.
Truck and cargo lost to the police and luckily nothing else found while the
driver kept his mouth completely shut. They were able to steal back the truck
and cargo under the cover of darkness being a small-town security was fairly
laxed. They basically had to wait for The Feds, and I suppose my family took the
opportunity to steal back the goods because what I packed into the truck now lay
on the floor at my feet!

What were we down? Very little in fact while somehow managing to keep air of
secrecy around the entire operation. I had learned of what was going on only
because they wanted to give me shit. The police learned of something going on of
scale somewhere local but nothing specific. Our customer learned that we have a
whole lot more for sale then just feed. My family learned I wasn’t aware in the
slightest of what was going on which the thought of living on the property for
20 years and having no idea whatsoever was mind boggling to them. Really the
biggest loss to me was my time and ego as I painstakingly spent days repackaging
the weed in the little custom sealed personal sized packaging variations. For
the family it was a vehicle and lawyer fees having been very lucky in that the
individual’s prior offences trumped this new conviction of possession.

I found out the key fact about this family organization and how it succeeds in
every situation despite the odds when finally, being allowed to know I was apart
of it! All the supposed cousins, brothers, uncles, sisters, aunties and
grandparents are in fact also adopted just like me. The number one family rule
is to never talk about business unless in a deal or confrontation which then
means some family members may never know if they are the ignorant type, kind of
like myself. Part of business also includes our family and stature as it is
business and structure respecting those who have put in their time. I was not
welcomed in as a cousin, nor a brother, I could hardly believe when I heard my
own father welcome me to my first meeting as an Uncle. All these years spent
relentlessly working for the family turned out to be much more then just earning
my keep, I was …

Unknowingly Setting My Inheritance of The Company

Submissions From Previous Posts

Cat Ladies of the Apocalypse – #freewrite No. 14, Day 889

The dune buggy leapt the sand ridge, caught air, landed and sprayed me with a choking dust cloud...

Such an amazing creative writing, Thank You for participating! Very glad to give you a little extra promotion 💪

For those new to smoke, I am also @Writer43. I smoke cannabis because I need it! I'm a medical marijuana cardholder, and I have an extreme case of PTSD from a tragic event that occurred some time ago!

Glad to see another pot smoking writer enjoying as their escape 😘
My Entry for 420Freewrite with the Prompt: 'BAKED' by @d00k13

Getting baked when you’re baking something is somewhat discouraging, but there’s a saying that nothing is perfect in this world. With baking, you need to have the perfect recipe to meet the right measurements in every cup of each ingredient.

Aye Baked Baker Complexities Indeed!

For Mention & Votes Drop Your #FreeWrite Links In The Comments

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#fiction #blockchaincoffee #askmeanything #freewrite