A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words - The end of the reign

In this image I see what looks like a beautiful Asian princess, possibly Hindu, dressed in her gala costume and in the background some castles - a castle - contemplating the night through her window in a room that is the dining room.

The woman looks like a warrior so I made a story based on this assessment.


The end of the reign




Princess Mita steadies herself as her ornate palanquin descends to the ground.

She has travelled from exile to reclaim her birthright.

Murmurs ripple through the assembled colourful crowd: the rightful sovereign has returned.

She emerges gracefully, draped in silk saris embroidered with gold thread.

Her kingdom stretches out before her, but a weight hangs over her heart.

For too long she has been under the control of the usurper King Ravan and his men.

She enters the opulent palace that was once her home, but there were signs of Ravan's corruption everywhere: from starving beggars in the streets to sinister new statues erected in the courtyards.

Mita plucks up courage, knowing what he must do to free his people.

That night, she requests an audience with Ravan.

When he enters, mockingly asking what the exiled princess wants, she turns away.

-The time has come for you to give up the throne, my kingdom will once again know compassion and justice.

Ravan's eyes darken with rage, but he has underestimated the love of the people for their rightful leader.

Word of Mita's defiance has spread, and soon the palace gates are flooded with citizens supporting their princess at last.

-The army supports me and these people will not be able to stand up to him.

-I would not have come unprepared, climb the tower and look to the horizon, there you will see an army three times your own and better armed, they are from the kingdom of Ishar and they are under the command of my betrothed, Prince Gohil.

He stares at her and thinks he could kill her but he remembers that she is the best gladiator in the kingdom.

-Which do you prefer? To surrender your false and despotic reign or to die? I will let you go into exile but the offer ends in half an hour, the time that Gohil's army begins its entry into this city.

There is not much to think about, she holds all the cards in her hand.

-I agree to resign and leave.

-Get up on the balcony and tell the people.

The usurper's reign is over.

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