The last boy - My 5 minutes a day

The last boy

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Well these lines will not be exclusive to comment on my experience, because a little more than three years ago I had my last child, as I decided to sterilize and stay with two children who are the light and happiness of my home, my parents are happy to watch every morning to their grandchildren happy on their way to school.

"The Last Boy" reminds us that not all children will be able to go to school and that adults are happy to see them go, because it is the guipen of a British movie directed by Perry Bhandal about science fiction, fantasy.

The content of the film is about when the end of the world is near, a dying mother sends her young son on a quest to find the place that grants wishes.


⏰ I used the virtual timer e.ggtimer to write this piece.

✅ 🚀🚀🚀 Writing is full of beautiful episodes, see you next time friends....🚥🚥🚥

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