Missed appointment - My 5 minutes a day

Missed appointment

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Throughout our lives at some point we have missed the appointment of something important, remembering that we did not go to an appointment paralyzes us in the instant does not make us in that brief moment guilty of having failed in the commitment made.

In my case I do not like to miss appointments or commitments, but nevertheless, I try to remedy these episodes of discomfort and lack of consideration for our partner, friend, family member or co-worker.

I usually write down the appointments in advance, remembering the previous day, asking myself "what should I do tomorrow", and somehow it has worked for me because the appointments without happy terms are less.


⏰ I used the virtual timer e.ggtimer to write this piece.

✅ 🚀🚀🚀 Writing is full of beautiful episodes, see you next time friends....🚥🚥🚥

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