Deadly words - My 5 minutes a day

Deadly words

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I will not refer to the events of the movie "Deadly Words", I will choose to make some reflections on the consequences of not controlling what we say when we are threatened and in challenging contexts, and we tend to express words that can bring us consequences.

A good way to communicate among friends, family or co-workers is through the exchange of ideas where the criteria and opinions of the partner are respected, without breaking or offending the other.

What is difficult to handle is when we are upset about something, and we end up expressing "deadly words", and I say it this way because we say words that literally kill the other person emotionally. We must be tolerant and fill ourselves with patience to be able to control what we express when we are upset.


⏰ I used the virtual timer e.ggtimer to write this piece.

✅ 🚀🚀🚀 Writing is full of beautiful episodes, see you next time friends....🚥🚥🚥

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