Work and my Tuesday

Hello friends and Hivers. I hope all is well with you. I have been absent lately and it's because I'm trying to balance myself out. It really is a slough of things going on with myself to include my health, mental well being, busy work schedule, stress, and few other things. Once I finished my duty at work and other commitments this past week I was completely drained and didn't want to do much of anything. I was getting adequate rest but that didn't seem to be helping. Anyways I'm not going to elaborate any more on that just know it's still a work in progress and things have gotten a little better.



Let me show you what I did one cold night a few night ago during part of my weekend. We had about 70 passengers we had to process for commercial airlift. My first job of the night included getting passenger and checked baggage weights. Once they were weighed their baggage was thrown in truck and they proceeded to a screening area. Once everyone was checked in I went out with the crew that was going to load the baggage. I'd much rather do that than stay behind and baby sit passengers.



Once the passenger manifest was complete and the aircraft landed it was time to meet the aircraft. What you see here is the Boeing 777, one of the largest commercial passenger carrying aircraft. A stair case truck looks pretty small docked up to it, right? Look at the size of those engines, the two individuals standing by the one engine are my co-workers.



Once we had a quick conversation with the airline representative we lined up our baggage conveyor and baggage truck with the front baggage pit. I don't think I have showed you the inside of a baggage pit before so here it is. It's always a pleasure to see an empty pit with no containers in it. It's a little more difficult with containers because it's more work not to mention less room.

This was this aircraft's second stop, there were already 200 passengers aboard. There bags were in the rear pit. We did have to throw bags in a puzzle kind of way because it had a third stop to pick up more passengers. We just had around 70 passengers so it took us about 20 or so minutes to load. Shortly after we were finished the passenger were loaded. I was already on my way back to my work center when that happened.

The next day I worked another commercial aircraft. We only had a little over 50 passengers and they went out on 737 airframe which is much smaller aircraft than this one. I worked the screening area and again loaded bags. I didn't take any pictures because we were in a bit of hurry due to the late arriving aircraft.





So on Tuesday I went to one of my favorite restaurants, Ono Pinay Kitchen. A Hawaiian & Filipino cuisine restaurant. It was busy there and I actually had to park in a parking lot across the street from it. My plan was to get my food to go, this was the first time I've done this here. You see I haven't been able to eat as much this last month or two. I just wanted to get my money's worth.

I wasn't expecting it but all three of the workers I ran into noticed it and were surprised I was ordering to go. I guess they hoped to have small talk with me, maybe 😂. I actually had to explain to them why I wasn't dining in. It's probably that I have been there so many times that it looked odd seeing me with a to go container. I mostly got everything on the buffett line into the to go container.

Once I got back to work I dished me a plate from the to go container. I only had this one plate. It was delicious even though I didn't eat all that much. I still have some left overs even after having another plate for lunch today. Tomorrow I will have another plate for lunch, hey no complaints I love Filipino food 😊



Later that evening my son's basketball team had their end of the season banquet at a local restaurant. Pictured above is the three players that were named to conference teams. My son made first team. He has to be odd kid out not showing his certificate but to his defense he was holding some other things he was presented with.



Some more pictures from the banquet. First picture is all the seniors on the team with the head coach. The second is the entire team with all the players and coaching staff. The players and coaches all had pizza. Everyone else ordered from the menu available. I had a half order of the chef salad. I couldn't finish it, it was huge for a half order.


The last presentation at the banquet was the team MVP(Most Valuable Player) award. The team and coaches vote for the MVP. It's been done that way since 1966. The trophy that you see in the picture has everyone's name on it who was named team MVP since it's creation. The trophy normally sits behind a glass case near the gyms entrance along with other significant team accomplishments such as championships.

The head coach said some nice things about my son and his journey as basketball player. He was presented with a placque for this achievement. Somehow it's not in my gallery though I know I lined up for the photo. Anyways it is cool that his name will be forever on this trophy for many to see.

This Sunday he goes to 1 of 2 all star games he was selected to. He also was selected to be in the three point shooting contest. It will be fun to watch him play among other team's star players. Saturday he has AAU tryouts which he more or less is a shoe in already. Next week he has two workouts with two perspective colleges. A lot of basketball future ahead still, proud father 😊

That's all I have this time around. I hope things settle down for me because I do miss being around on the chain. Take care, stay safe and enjoyed the rest of the week. Until next time!

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