Being something you're not is so darn tiring!!

She began to tire at the thought of having to pretend to be something she's not.

She realised just how exhausting it is to do things she did not want to do.

She loathed the thought of trying to say all the right things instead of simply speaking her truth.

sydney-sims-5_n3X6EfRNc-unsplash.jpgImage by Sydney Sims

This week in the Freewriters Community set the task of freewriting something to the tune of exactly 50 words using the prompt tire. I'm always curious what will want to come out of me when given a word prompt and I love the challenge of having to do it within a given word or character count.

Of course, I would turn this prompt into something about authenticity. Of course! Because it is, after all, my number one favourite thing to write and talk about. It might look like any number of related topics, but they're all pointing in the same direction, right?

  • How true are we being to ourselves and our heart's/soul's desires?

  • How safe to we feel to be ourselves?

  • What things help us to be more authentic?

  • In which relationships do we feel most safe and able to 'be ourselves'?

  • What things get in the way of our being our most authentic (and therefore awesome) self?

frank-mckenna--sCrec27yDM-unsplash.jpgImage by Frank McKenna

These are the kind of things I ponder, study and write about pretty much every day. That's why I have so many posts on Hive about them!

So I leave you with two things:

  1. If you'd also like to participate in the ZapFic bi-weekly challenges inside the Freewriters Community, you'll find details to join us here.

  2. If you also feel like you are or would like to pursue a more authentic life where you are being more of your brave, awesome self, then I invite you to take any one of the questions I wrote above and write a post about that mini topic. If you do this, please tag me in the post or a comment so I can read what you wrote!

(👇 And here's my proof that my mini freewrite at the top of this post is 50 words. No more, no less 😉).

50 words_tire.png

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