Develop an Enjoyable Morning

Morning Routine

Recently I decided to do small changes in my daily routine because it's what decide whether I am happy at the end of week, month, year, 10 years or life time.
So I started with my morning routine and thought of sharing it with you all.

  1. Wake up at a Reasonable Hour (Which you are comfortable)

  2. If You are so sleepy still try to relax on the bed little more (listen to your body attentively) but make sure not to fall asleep again.

  3. If can do and have time, do a small meditation exercise. (1 2 3 Exercise)

    1 thing you can hear

    2 things you can touch

    3 things you can smell

  4. Shower and brush your teeth

  5. Do a little skin care routine. (like applying SPF and little make up) - but this is up to you

  6. Drink coffee, milk, smoothie or anything you want and eat a tasty and enjoyable breakfast because it definitely level up you mood.

  7. Journal while being mindful. (Emotions, feelings and things in my mind)

  8. Daily planner (Identify the Most important thing to do)

  9. Do some deep work aligning with daily planner

Make sure to have a simple daily routine

If you are going for a job
1. Wake up - Get ready - Go to work
2. Wake up - Get ready - Eat Breakfast - Go to work

Little by little add to your routine. Don’t burn yourself while giving 20 steps in the morning.

Do not look for notifications in the morning (Not the first thing)

Identify what is the most important thing you need to do. —— So after 365 day you have done the most important thing in your life every single day which may have taken you to be super productive.

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