An amazing poetry for the weekly writing contest #pic1000 "A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words"

A picture truly worth a thousand words, and this picture show a vast universe, a galaxy with a blazing sun stretching out in every direction, with swirling colors of yellow, black, and whites. A lonely Man stands on a tall, rocky mountain, gazing into the immense expanse with eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.

I feel that the light from the sun represents hope and guidance, piercing through the darkness. I also feel that the gazes of the man begin to blur as the vibrant colors fade to shades of grey, and the once blazing sun starts to dim, representing the creeping sense of regrets. The Man's expression changes from awe to a sense of loss and emptiness, depicted by the vast, dark void that seems to swallow the sun and the galaxies.

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In a state of oblivion, I gazed into the galaxy,
A universe of mystery, A spiral core,
Lost in thoughts of great beyond,
My minds sophisticated, With clear visions,
I could see the future, so I grasped.

Delving into the depths,
My mind aflame, With Wonder and hope,
To review mysteries of this great beyond,
A future unseen, hidden in the shadows,
Yet lit by a blazing sun, Guiding the paths unknown.

But as I gazed,
My vision started to blur,
My hopes and dreams all lost,
I found only emptiness, a void so vast,
Like a vacuum sucking all meaning away,
Leaving me a drift in an endless space.

The grand illusions shattered before my eyes,
The great beyond revealed as nothing but lies,
No answers awaited in that infinite space,
Just an empty echo and a cold embrace.

So I turned away from this imaginations,
And find solace in what I could touch and feel,
For true fulfilment lies within what is real.


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