Un intruso en mi jardín (Espa- Eng)

Hoy me levanté un poco cansada, la edad es algo que se agradece pero pesa. Pesa cada día, pesa el cuerpo y pesa levantarse. Pero aquí estoy.

Preparé un rico café, como me gusta tinto para activar mis energías. Estoy frente a la ventana viendo mi jardín. Me gusta tener mis cultivos de hortalizas así puedo sentir que por lo menos hago algo productivo.

-Oh! Que calamidad- hay un roedor que se come mis zanahorias, como si yo las plantara para él. Esos molestos animales.

Pero esto va a terminar pronto. Tengo unas trampas para ratones que seguro van a exterminar a esa plaga. Ya puse todas las trampas que me dio mi amigo Manuel el bodeguero. Ahora solamente debo esperar.

Estoy en la cocina haciendo un bocadillo para la espera y escucho las trampas activarse (clic, clic, clic) -Bien, ya no se comerán más mis hortalizas-

Me asomo a la ventana y en ninguna trampa hay nada -Ummm! animalitos estos, astutos!-

Salgo al jardín y recojo todas esas trampas que son solo basura, eso no sirve para nada. En ese momento la vi. Sus enormes ojos me miraron fijamente.

Nunca vi ojos más bellos, con ese habito de andar corriendo y tan aceleradamente. Me di cuenta que tenía un pequeño agujero en el tronco del árbol de Evelin, la vecina. Entonces me arrastré hasta el jardín contiguo y pude ver bien. Era una familia de ardillas. La ardilla de tierra era la que se había estado llevando mis zanahorias.

Me quedé un rato inmóvil, no sé si era porque mi cuerpo viejo y cansado se sentía cómodo en el suelo del jardín o era que realmente me fascinaba ver aquellos molestos roedores.

Por la tarde llamé a Manuel y le dije que ya no necesitaba las trampas y que podía recogerlas cuando quisiera.

-Que bueno que pudiste deshacerte del problema amiga- me dijo muy satisfecho mi amigo Manuel.

-Es cierto, me quité ese problema de encima- le dije con una sonrisa - debo irme porque me esperan hablamos después- colgué el teléfono y lleve una pequeña canasta con zanahorias y algunas almendras que tenía guardadas.

Las puse junto a la cerca del jardín y las adorables ardillas corrieron a comer. Ahora compartimos la cosecha y nadie tiene problemas.


imagen tomada de Pixabay subida por: LoggaWiggler

naturaleza muerta . dc.png
English version

An intruder in my garden

Today I woke up a little tired, age is something that is appreciated but it weighs. It weighs every day, it weighs the body and it weighs getting up. But here I am.

I prepared a nice coffee, as I like red to activate my energies. I am in front of the window looking at my garden. I like to have my vegetable crops so I can feel that at least I'm doing something productive.

-Oh, what a calamity - there's a rodent eating my carrots, as if I planted them for him. What annoying animals.

But this is going to end soon. I have some mouse traps that will surely exterminate that pest. I already set all the traps that my friend Manuel the bodeguero gave me. Now I just have to wait.

I'm in the kitchen making a snack for the wait and I hear the traps go off (click, click, click) -Good, they won't eat my vegetables anymore-.

I look out the window and there is nothing in any of the traps. -Ummm! What cunning little animals these are.

I go out to the garden and pick up all those traps that are just garbage, that's useless. At that moment I saw her. Her huge eyes stared at me.

I had never seen more beautiful eyes, with that habit of running around so fast. I noticed that she had a small hole in the trunk of Evelin the neighbor's tree. Then I crawled into the adjoining yard and got a good look. It was a family of squirrels. The ground squirrel was the one that had been taking my carrots.

I stood still for a while, I don't know if it was because my tired old body felt comfortable on the garden floor or if it was that I was really fascinated by the sight of those pesky rodents.

In the afternoon I called Manuel and told him that I no longer needed the traps and that he could pick them up whenever he wanted. -Good thing you were able to get rid of the problem my friend," said my friend Manuel, very satisfied.

-It's true, I got rid of that problem," I said with a smile, "I have to go because I'll talk to you later," I hung up the phone and took a small basket with carrots and some almonds that I had saved.

I put them by the garden fence and the adorable squirrels ran to eat. Now we share the harvest and no one has any problems.


image taken from Pixabay uploaded by: LoggaWiggler


Contenido original del autor.
Traducido con Deepl.com
✿ Todos los Derechos Reservados || © @chacald.dcymt // 2021 ✿
💌 Discord: chacald.dcymt#3549
Original content by the author.
Translation done with Deepl.com
✿ All Rights Reserved || © @chacald.dcymt // 2021 ✿
💌 Discord: chacald.dcymt#3549

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