Oportunidad - Opportunity



No eres lo que esperabas, eres mucho más…

“Cada cierto día me levanto preguntándome ¿qué hubiera sido de mi vida si no te conociera?, la verdad es que muchas conclusiones han llegado a mi cabeza, pero todas siempre me llevan a ti.

Puede que suene cliché, es verdad lo es, pero eres mi alma gemela y cada día esto se reafirma de una u otra manera. Nos enamoramos, nos entregamos y dimos hermosos frutos de dicho amor, dejamos atrás muchas cosas y tomamos otras que nos han ayudado a crecer y florecer.

Somos como esas flores que soportan el invierno y disfrutan del verano, sin importar cuantas nubes grises se posen sobre nuestro hogar, siempre encontramos el sol más radiante al finalizar la tormenta. Antes de ti, quería ser un importante ingeniero, quizás viajar por el mundo y conocer nuevas culturas. Me visualizaba refugiado en mi propio calor, disfrutando noches de fiestas y amaneceres con el alba frente al mar.

Aún no he logrado mis sueños individuales, luego de ti todo cambió un poco, mi prioridad se convirtió en un caluroso hogar al final de un duro día de trabajo, veranos en la playa, navidades en familia. No he abandonado ni mis sueños personales ni los familiares, he tenido oportunidades, tú has sido una de ellas y la tomé a todo riesgo.

No me he distanciado, solo trabajo el doble para que ambos sueños se hagan realidad, espero hagas igual porque seguiremos el mismo camino con distintos propósitos para que al final, seamos solo uno. No me arrepiento ni me arrepentiré jamás de los caminos que he tomado, tú has sido lo mejor que me ha ocurrido junto a nuestros hijos que se han vuelto la mejor escuela de vida.

Pude decirle no al amor, a las responsabilidades o al compromiso y posiblemente hoy estaría igual pero sin ustedes, que triste sería no haberte conocido. Fiel al destino, nada ocurre por casualidad, si no era ese día sería otro porque ambos estábamos predestinados a encontrarnos en más de un lugar.

Acompáñame a explorar el mundo, acompáñame a perderme y disfrutar los placeres de la vida, cuando te pida que me sueltes por favor no lo hagas. Mañana serán solo recuerdos, quédate conmigo hoy porque aunque me toque tomar un camino distinto al tuyo; te elegiré una y otra vez hasta el final.

Si algo me ha enseñado esta vida, es que los mejores caminos suelen ser los más complicados, no importa cuanta tempestad pase siempre que cuente con vuestro apoyo, de igual manera te digo que contarás con el mío y con mi amor por la eternidad.”



You are not what you expected, you are much more...

"Every certain day I wake up wondering what would have been my life if I didn't know you, the truth is that many conclusions have come to my head, but all of them always lead me to you.

It may sound cliché, it indeed is, but you are my soul mate and every day this is reaffirmed in one way or another. We fell in love, we gave ourselves and gave beautiful fruits of that love, we left many things behind and took others that have helped us grow and bloom.

We are like those flowers that endure the winter and enjoy the summer, no matter how many gray clouds settle over our home, we always find the most radiant sunshine at the end of the storm. Before you, I wanted to be an important engineer, maybe travel the world and learn about new cultures. I envisioned myself cocooned in my warmth, enjoying nights of parties and sunrises with the dawn in front of the sea.

I have not yet achieved my dreams, after everything changed a little, my priority became a warm home at the end of a hard day's work, summers at the beach, Christmas with my family. I have not abandoned either my personal or family dreams, I have had opportunities, you have been one of them and I took it at all risks.

I have not distanced myself, I just work twice as hard to make both dreams come true, I hope you do the same because we will follow the same path with different purposes so that in the end, we are only one. I do not regret nor will I ever regret the paths I have taken, you have been the best thing that has happened to me along with our children who have become the best school of life.

I could have said no to love, to responsibilities, or commitment, and possibly today I would be the same but without you, how sad it would be not to have met you. True to destiny, nothing happens by chance, if it wasn't that day it would be another one because we were both predestined to meet in more than one place.

Come with me to explore the world, come with me to get lost and enjoy the pleasures of life, when I ask you to let me go please don't do it. Tomorrow will be just memories, stay with me today because even if it's my turn to take a different path than yours; I will choose you again and again until the end.

If this life has taught me anything, it is that the best roads are usually the most complicated ones, no matter how stormy it gets as long as I count on your support, in the same way, I tell you that you will count on mine and my love for eternity."



No hay casualidad, somos responsables de nuestras decisiones aunque pensemos que todo está en contra. Muchas veces pensamos demasiado y dejamos pasar el tiempo, desaprovechar el tiempo es la peor que podemos hacer.

El tiempo es vida, recordar que nuestra estadía es finita; nos ayuda a tomar cada segundo con la mejor cara, aprovechar las oportunidades y aprender de los errores. Más allá del bienestar material siempre será imperante priorizar nuestra salud física y mental, de esta forma atraeremos siempre lo mejor de la vida.

No te arrepientas jamás de lo que hiciste (a menos que sea algo muy malo más sin embargo no vale la pena), y tampoco te lamentes por lo que no hiciste. Mientras haya vida y salud, todo se puede, podemos remendar las fallas o aprender de ellas para evolucionar y siempre podremos empezar a realizar eso que siempre soñamos.

"Trabaja por tus sueños, el límite es el cielo."


There is no chance, we are responsible for our decisions even if we think that everything is against us. Many times we think too much and let time go by, wasting time is the worst thing we can do.

Time is life, remember that our stay is finite; it helps us to take each second with the best face, take advantage of opportunities and learn from mistakes. Beyond material well-being, it will always be imperative to prioritize our physical and mental health, in this way we will always attract the best of life.

Never regret what you did (unless it is something very bad but not worth it), and do not regret what you did not do. As long as there is life and health, everything is possible, we can mend the failures or learn from them to evolve and we can always begin to realize what we always dreamed of.

"Work for your dreams, the sky is the limit."


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  • The separators used and many others are available by clicking here and their use is free for distribution, there are many that are really cool and I recommend them.

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