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She lost her left breast 6 months ago. With summer arriving fashion is different. Will the thin fabrics show? Will it ever be normal? Or will the threat always be there, seeing the mutulation of cancer whatever you wear?

Rules :
Post the 240 character (or less) story to HIVE
The story must be no more than 240 characters in length (NOT WORDS) - use a character counter to check (here is one: If your story has more than 240 characters it will NOT be considered a #ZapFic
The story must be your own work, and previously unpublished
If you post a photo (you don't have to, there are no "points" for photos, it is all about the story) please make sure you quote the source. If it is yours, say so!
Reblog and upvote welcome but it is not essential
The link to your post must be left in the comment section of this post
The deadline for submissions is

Congrats week 101 but more important week 1 on HIVE

Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated and remember Focus on Being creative instead of being bee-zy.

Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.

Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and #steemitmamas. Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.

I would like to thank you for Reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.

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