

Jane was not surprised by men's interest in her, considering that she was beautiful and at the flower stage of her life, ready for marriage. In her experience, out of about nine men who had ever taken her out, she had always been the one requesting ice cream in the eateries. All the men could order anything except ice cream.

One day, as I was coming back from choir rehearsal with Jane, she said to me, "Does it mean that men do not like ice cream? None of the men who have taken me out ever ordered ice cream for both of us." Then she continued and said, "Any man that will buy ice cream for me when he takes me out shall be my dream husband."

I replied, "Jane, you can be very funny. Just take, for instance, do your father and brothers like ice cream? Men do not bother about those things, Jane."

Jane responded, "Sincerely, I would love a man who loves what I love, and it would be fantastic if he buys the ice cream for me without my request, and we both enjoy it together."

Udeh replied, "We women can be very funny. How I wish men would understand us."

Six months later, a young man from Jane's neighborhood saw her enjoying her ice cream while discussing with another young man in an eatery. Three weeks after that incident, the same young man saw Jane entering the eatery. He was at the counter paying for his food when Jane sat down. Without hesitation, the young man ordered a bag of ice cream for Jane and took a stick of ice cream to a corner different from Jane's. He was licking his ice cream, and an eatery attendant brought Jane's ice cream to her table, saying somebody had paid for it. Jane was perplexed and overwhelmed with joy as her long-awaited expectation seemed to come true.

Jane walked gracefully towards the young man to say thank you and express her curiosity about how he knew her desire. The young man invited her to sit before him, and they both enjoyed their ice cream together.

As they were enjoying the ice cream, Jane asked, "Can I take a picture with you?" The man gladly agreed, and they took some pictures together.

Afterward, she sent the pictures to Udeh with a message, "My friend, this is the man I have been waiting for." Udeh replied, "Are you kidding me? This is unbelievable."

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