Terrify- 5 minutes freewriters



Do you think it is a good idea to go at night through the streets without any concern apart from living people there are entities that can terrorize at night, many entities just waiting to make even the bravest run, go to the cemetery at night just for a challenge maybe you can try but be careful because the following can happen to you.

Two young men from my city who love to attract attention thought it was funny to go to a cemetery, they swore that nothing was going to terrorize them, when entering one of the young men noticed how cold it was and was thankful he was lucky to be wearing a jacket, while walking out of the corner of their eyes they noticed a girl walking carelessly without a coat on, The two thought it was a visitor so they approached to ask, "Hey, don't you feel cold apart from being alone," the young men did not hear an immediate response so this terrified them, so they heard the words of the girl, "No, I was just returning to where I was buried.

written for the freewriters 5 minutes daily challenge:@daily.prompt/mariannewests-freewrite-writing-prompt-day-2107-terrify


Crees que es una buena idea ir de noche por las calles sin preocupación alguna aparte de las personas vivas existen entidades que pueden aterrorizar en la noche, muchas entidades solo esperan hacer correr hasta a el mas valiente, ir al cementerio de noche solo por un reto talvez puedes intentarlo pero ten cuidado porque puede sucederte lo siguiente.

Dos jóvenes de mi ciudad amantes de llamar la atención les pareció gracioso ir a un cementerio ellos juraban que nada los iba a aterrorizar , al entrar uno de los jóvenes se percata del frio que hace y agradece la suerte de ir con chaqueta , mientras caminan de reojo notan que una chica camina sin cuidado sin abrigo , los dos pensaron que era algún visitante así que se acercan a preguntar , -oye no sientes frio aparte estas sola- los jóvenes no escucharon respuesta inmediata así que esto los aterrorizo, por lo cual se escucha salir palabras de la chica -No , solo regresaba a donde me enterraron-.

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