February 14th and The Ash It Brings.


The chatter of people moving around jolted Angeline from sleep. With eyes looking around like a thief caught in broad daylight, she quickly stood up to go, but the hem of her dress wasn't having that.

"Tarrhhh" was the only sound that resounded in her mind like she was in a cave. Her heart beat rapidly as she looked around again.

"You do know how to sleep, Angelina. I could see your head buried in your bible as if you were studying it. That's a very good camouflage." Said Adam with a deep chuckle.

"Adam..." Angelina said with some sort of venom.

Anyone who knew Adam knew he was trouble. He sees everything because his eyes are always everywhere. He seems to have invisible eyes in his forehead and around his face as he could see multiple things at the same time. That was what she heard, and right now, she just couldn't agree more to the statement made by people.

"Seems the hem of your dress is in trouble. Do you need help?" Adam asked with a smile.

With mouth open agape, Angelina tried to remember more things about him. Adam is asking if I need help? What does that mean in the book of Adam? She asked no one in particular.

Seeing that she was having a conflict within herself, Adam spoke again.

"I brought my scooter to church today because I wanted to feel the wind on my face as I moved. Well, to tell the truth, I forgot my car at the church on Sunday and was too busy to pick it up." He said with a chuckle while touching his forehead.

"You want me to use your scooter?" Angelina asked while turning her face to look at him well. As the angel took over him and used him as a vessel to right his wrongs to humans?

"I don't understand why you'd give me your scooter, Adam. What do you want in return?" Angelina asked to be sure.

She had walked to church to attend the Ash Wednesday and Valentine's sermon at the church. Her mother, Ms. Rebecca had gone to check on her Dad at the hospital. He had an accident some days ago, and today was the day he's coming back, so her mom had gone with her car since hers was at the mechanic and her fathers own ruined beyond repair.

With a deep sigh, Adam replied with a fine set of teeth.

"It's Ash Wednesday Angelina, the priest drew the sign of the cross on my head and... today is a special day. A day of love and according to what the priest said on the significance of the Ash and lenten season approaching, he said to give alms to people and I am barely giving alms to you since you need help."

With hands on her face, Angelina cussed deeply. "So, you are giving alms to me because the priest said to give alms to those in need. Hmm, that's so brilliant of you."

"Come on, Angelina, don't be sarcastic. We are in the presence of the Lord. February 14th didn't just bring in Valentine's Day. It also brought the Ash day, so just let me help." Adam said with a smile.

"This dude must be crazy." Angelina said with her teeth tight in a murmur.

With a deep sigh, she wanted to reply to him when her phone vibrated, reminding her of where she was supposed to be at the moment.

"Oh, shit. I have to be home right away." Angelina said, taking hold of her dress like a bride who was ready to run away from her husband.

"Well, my scooter is out there, ready to be wheeled away. I'll pick it up tomorrow." Adam said.

Leaving the church premises, Angelina cussed loudly but held on her racing heart. She really wished she wasn't taking Adam's scooter, but she needed to be home to welcome her dad. She had been awake all night trying to create gifts to welcome him back home, and she needed to bring them out before he walked into the house.

It is the season of love, and with the love her parents have shown her while growing up, she wanted to be there for them too and see the smile on their faces. So, it is worth it. Facing Adam whines on being a Saint who now gives alms is worth it.

What do you see? I can see a white and red place with bikes and scooters around.

What do you feel? I feel a sense of security and peace around the area.

Image by @wakeupkitty from Freewriters picture prompt.


Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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