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The Woman of Secrets : Secret Note-- Maynia Day 2

The night was full of thought about her. She came into my boring life and left without saying a gentle goodbye. I've only known her for just four days. And It was yesterday we really got a situation to talk. Now she acted like a stranger and left me by putting a small note on the train.


This is the second part of the story I've written on #Maynia contest in You can read this part with or without reading the first one. It will definitely give you the depth of the story. You can read the first part even after reading this. The first part is here

I tried to stop thinking about her and tried to sleep I can't. It was about 12 at night. I jumped out of the bed and searched for my laptop. There was a train ticket on the drawer. I also took that. There was train identity number. I visited the website and put the number to get track of it. I can't be patient anymore by not knowing what was on that note.

I was browsing about the details of the train. Its schedule was there. The train is gonna come back to my station at about 2 o'clock in the morning. I thought about a second and grab my bag and put the laptop in it. It was cold out there. So I wore a hoodie.

I checked the time on my phone it's about to reach 1 o'clock now. I walked out of my room and locked it. I took the easy short cut to the railway station which reaches to the back of it. I lit a cigarette, I can't think about any other thing than smoking at that time.

I reached the station, There were not many people. I looked at the clock it's 1: 20 AM. The train will reach here about in 40 minutes.

I again thought about it from the beginning. Who are those thugs with her on the train? Is she feared of them? Is that why she said she don't even know me?

I needed an answer for all these, I was expecting that on the paper. I tried to say myself that, "read the paper and leave her behind and go back to the normal life". Even if whatever was on that paper.

Is she gonna ask to help her? I can't. It's what always I have done in my all life. I ran from problems. All I wanted to have was a safe and secure life. Even if it was boring I lived inside it and cursed it. I'm never gonna change.

I was blaming myself for this bad life. I looked around there was a little girl and her father waiting on the platform. They were also going somewhere. Both of their faces looked serious. She was staring at me. I tried to put a smile.

It's 2 AM now, The train will be here at any time now. My heart was ticking like a bomb. I expected all the answers in it. I wanted a decent end for her chapter and leave all this behind.

Then there was noise from my right side, I looked towards there. It was a train coming. It stopped in front of me. I walked towards the compartment where our memories are. I entered the train.

I thought my heart is going to blast. I sat down on the seat where she was sitting.

Now I can see the paper which was put inside between the seats. It was a coloured one, looked like some kind of advertisement paper. I looked around and pulled it out. Now it's here. It felt like some I was gonna get an answer for all my life's existence. Why that???

It was folded into a very small piece. I opened it, It was an advertisement's coloured paper. It was a torn piece. I can see there is something she had written on it,

"I thought I had more time
There isn't, I have to run now
Forgive me
Forget me"

I was shocked for a moment. Is this the thing I had waited for all this time. I was blank for a minute. Why she did this to me?
She should have given me even her name or number. She had the responsibility to explain this to me.

Is she came into my life to just give this pain? The first idea that came into my mind was to burn the paper and leave to my home. The home of boring reality. I thought about me for a second. All I wanted in my life was something thrilling or some purpose or mystery to solve.

But now when it came, I am going to run. I am a fearful foolish guy. I am gonna never do anything in my life. Once more I looked at the paper, It was the torn from some kind of menu of a restaurant. There is a price of tea is written on the end from where it's torn. I barely can see the name of it. But there was the email id of the restaurant at the end of the paper.

It said, I don't know, why I took the laptop and searched for it. It was on Beach Road. There was a lot of ideas came through my mind. Can I find anything there, it's now about 2: 40 AM. What to do now?
The train is gonna reach my office place in minutes.

What do I do? "I should exit at the next station and go home." But this was my only chance to find her. If I stay on the train I could reach the Beach station and go to Marty's. What will be there? It may be just a restaurant where she had a coffee. What if she worked there?

All these thoughts passed through. The train reached the office place. I stood up for leaving, but something in my mind told me to go on this path. I stayed.

I felt like I'm going somewhere from where there is no return. The train has stopped a few times now. Now the station is near the beach. I didn't know what I am gonna do there at night. It's only 3: 15 AM now. The train reached the beach station.

I thought about walking towards the restaurant will be a good idea. I should stay somewhere near and ask someone about her When it opens. There was also some other doubts.

How am I gonna explain her to them? I didn't even know her name. What if they ask me who am I to her?

I can hear the sound of the waves now. The sea is near. With the help of google map, I finally reached in front of the restaurant. As I expected it's closed.

I had already planned where to go and wait. I walked towards the beach. There were streetlamps towards there. Finally, there is the sea. I sat on the sand by looking at it. I lit another cigarette. I started smoking as something to pass time. Now it became an addiction.

I took my phone and played some songs. I didn't even know that I was gonna sleep. I slept there.

When I opened my eyes there was a dog near me. It frightened me for a second. It's early in the morning now. I looked at my phone it was still playing music. The battery had drained out to 5 percentage. The time is 6: 00 now. There is still a little bit of the darkness

I walked towards the restaurant. I was tired. The whole night felt like a dream. There were some staffs in front of the restaurant. There is a van there. They are moving some broken chairs and glass. I directed towards one. I put the paper out of my pocket.

There was a man standing in front of the restaurant. I asked him when it will open. He said they are closed for today and He came just to remove the broken things and repair the damaged parts inside. That was unexpected.

"What happened here?" I asked to him.

"There was a fight between the guy who lives near and some thugs I've never seen here." He replied that and looked at my hand.

When he said thugs, someone's face came in my mind.

"Was there any lady with the thugs?" I enquired.

"You mean the one who wrote the note on your hand?"

That was unexpected. He said that to me and looked at me with some kind of doubt.
I said I was A friend of her and asked him more about the incident. I felt like he was a harmless guy. So asked some more questions to him.

They all were there yesterday. She was a regular customer there. But yesterday she was with all these people. They were talking to each other on a table. Suddenly there was a fight between themselves.

It's just before they left, she wrote the note without the others noticing. He has seen it. They paid for their damages after that.

I asked about the native guy in their group.

"He lives behind the Bar on the next block, There is a staircase from outside to the top". He replied.

It was hard for me to stay there more. The owner of the shop came. So I just left the place. I thought a lot about going to the man's house. I don't know from where, But I got a gut to go there.

I felt like it will be for nothing if I quit. I've come this far. I thought I could get some information about her even what was she was onto?

After walking for some minutes I reached the Bar. I can see a narrow path on the side. I can see the stairs now. It was rusty and felt like no one ever has used it for a while. When I was going up on the stairs I felt like it was some kind of gang's place.

I had fear in me. There is now a door. It's a wooden one. I tried to knock but it was open. I can see that. It's open for some inches.

" Someone here?" I made enough loud noise. It's still early. About 6: 15 AM.
After some calls, I went inside. The hall was empty. There was a room on the right side of me.

I directed towards it with fear. There was a curtain. I slightly moved it.
What I saw was unexpected, I fell back on the floor.
He's in blood. Somebody shot him...
