When Your Articles Rejected, Don't Give Up!

An article is not always rejected because it is of poor quality. It could be, the article is too long / too short, or the moment has passed, or it could be scattered (for example into spam).

So, don't be too quick to convict yourself of talent when 10 or 20 posts are rejected. Do not rely on the taste of an editor for the future of writing. Good writing is not always published, and bad writing is not always rejected. Remember it...

All writers have felt rejected. The difference is, great writer candidates never give up when rejected. Read the article again, revise it, and if the issue is still up-to-date, send it to other media. Even if it is not suitable for other media, just keep the writing because we never know when we need it again. It could be that the moment is repeated so that the article gets the opportunity to be published with some adjustments.

17 reasons why the opinion on Kompas was rejected according to Pepih Nugraha Source:

  1. The topic or theme is not up to date.
  2. Arguments and views are not new.
  3. The way of serving is prolonged.
  4. Coverage is too micro or local.
  5. Disclosure and editorial inadequate support.
  6. Context is less clear.
  7. Language is too scientific or too academic, less popular.
  8. The description is too vague (unclear, vague).
  9. The style of writing a speech or paper or lecture material.
  10. The source of the quotation is unclear.
  11. Too many quotes.
  12. The discussion is not balanced.
  13. The flow of description is not continuous.
  14. Description does not open new enlightenment.
  15. The description is addressed to the person.
  16. The description is too flat.
  17. Long typing paragraphs.

Now, with the various discussions above, at least there are guidelines for sending manuscripts to print and cyber media. Don't delay anymore, send it today, right now. []

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