A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - entry for 12/30/2021 contest


Describe what you see

I see two boys working with wood and some tools. They are concentrating hard.

What do I feel

I feel that they are really engrossed in the activity. They seem content and I feel they are concentrating hard. They must be pleased with what they are doing.

My Story

With the long holidays ahead it was always a struggle to keep James occupied. So it seemed like such a good idea which came to me when James asked if he could go to Ben's house. I knew how that would end. James always had a lot of fun at Ben's house because his parents had all the gadgets. Play Stations, computers, and god knows what other fun things. It was probably quite boring in our house although they did occasionally bring out the old Monopoly set. It was always so much fun that James would then ask if he could sleep over and that would leave me alone again. And I hated being in the house alone, especially at night.

I was looking out of the window and trying to think what Ben could do at home that would be interesting and keep him busy. I wanted something that would entice him away from his usual escape to Ben's house. That is when I remembered the pile of wood in the shed and the tools we had. What about building a treehouse!

We had the perfect tree in the garden for holding a small structure and I was sure we had enough various bits of building material. This was something that could keep them entertained for hours - hopefully!

Well, it had been a great success. Ben and James had been working in the garden now for the last couple of days. Measuring up what they needed. Sawing up planks of wood to the right size and then banging away with hammers to nail the structure together. They had built a roof that looked like it would leak but they were lucky to find an old roll of roof felting at the back of the shed that had just enough left to cover the structure. They found a tarpaulin sheet which they used to line some of the walls to keep the wind out and an off-cut of our sitting room carpet which they put down on the floor. It actually looked perfect.

Not only that, I had had two days of pleasure with being able to watch them out of the kitchen window. I could sit down, have a cup of tea, read my book and at any time look up and see them playing happily. They were so engrossed in the whole activity. The concentration on their faces as they cut up the planks was absolutely priceless. It was all so perfect.

I knew something was up when James came bounding up the garden with Ben looking sheepish behind him. "Can Ben and I sleep out in our new treehouse tonight?" James asked. Oh, now what to do? I hated being in the house alone, especially at night.

This is my entry for the A picture is worth a thousand words contest.

Thanks to @freewritehouse for running this contest.

Good luck to everyone!

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