
Photo Source(https://pixabay.com/illustrations/bully-attack-aggression-bullying-655659/)

Here comes the chicken hearted kid again!!
Nick stopped dead on his track. Now, here 's the bully he has been trying to avoid. Will Greg ever leave me alone? He thought.
Are you scared of the road kiddo? Come on, it won't bite but... I will. Greg and his friends laughed out loud.
Nick slowly looked to his right, and could see he was almost level with the alley that leads to the security outpost.
He looked up, seeing that Greg and his friends were engrossed in mock dancing, he made a desperate dash for the alley and after a hot run of 3 minutes, he was safe at the outpost entrance.
At home Nick laid on his bed contemplating the event of the afternoon. He has to find a way to deal with Greg the big bully.
I will eat more, hit the gym with Dad and grow bigger. Yes, Much bigger.

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