Late Night thoughts from a floor bed

Back when I was a full time traveler I used to share a lot more personal information on chain.

It was unavoidable. As a travel blogger, perhaps the most successful travel blogger on hive back then, or at least the most popular one, I discovered that there’s a perfect mix of traveling adventures and personal information to make an appealing blog post that eventually turned into a series of travel blog posts.

It was all about linking my own experiences with the trip at hand, creating some bonding with the readers by establishing some personal information and how that helped me in that specific traveling experience or how it affected my perception of it.

The personal information I used to share on my immutable posts wasn’t that personal, but it was definitely enough to even create a profile on me, the old me, the nomad me.

It worked. It worked very well, and I used to love writing about my travels. I miss it, but I wouldn’t trade the life stage I’m at right now to go back to where I was back then.

The personal life stage I’m at right now is something I want to keep private, and the topics I write about nowadays require little to no sharing of any of my private life. I like it that way, I’m comfortable this way.

I understand why some crypto people stay anon. I can’t do that anymore, and I don’t even see the point to it. I don’t mind having a public life on Hive, Twitter or even Instagram, as long as I have very clear what I want to be public and what I prefer for it to remain private.

Like all things in life, there are boundaries in project.

These boundaries are extremely important both to set them and to follow them. So you must have them clear before you start your blockchain based journey, because once you cross some boundaries, there’s no going back.

This is a short post as you can see, or at least short by my standards. It’s already 10pm and my bedtime is past due. I have to wake up at 4am like I always do, especially on Sundays where my morning productivity skyrockets. Maybe this is a long by your standards, but then again that’s the beauty of Hive. Who cares what is a long post for anyone, and what is a quality post for everyone? It’s all relative and dynamic, and that’s one thing I love about hive and Leo, but anyway.

I wanted to try the Leo mobile long form post editor and catch some bugs. So far, so good, but I’m getting sleepy.

Going back to privacy and private life matters, I guess the title of this post is the only private thing I will share with you, even if the post content has nothing to do with the title.

Oh, and here’s a picture of my newly bought notebook that I keep with me at all times in case I get some ideas about work, hive, content, or simple concepts. It has nothing to do with the post title or the content, but then again this post was meant to be a disaster in terms of consistency.

Why? Because I can, and because it’s fun to let the brain do this kind of silly things.

Have a great night, frens.

Maybe In the comment section you can share with me your views about privacy, and about sharing part of our private lives on hive, which means they’ll be on chain, which means they’ll be here forever. Pretty rough topic don’t you think?

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