Kimberley's story - Part 10

Jane & Anne – Priscilla's colleagues
Kimberley – Priscilla's girlfriend who committed suicide (storyteller)
Vanithy & Maurice – Priscilla's and Kimberley’s girlfriends
Umesh – Kimberley’s first boyfriend
Steve - Kimberley’s second boyfriend

One year...yes...1 year became one and a half...became two.

Every time I asked him if he was serious about our relationship, he would spin around it.
Our parents still didn't know anything and also he never brought me along when he went out with friends. Gradually it all started to get on my nerves. Although he was super nice, it bothered me.

In the meantime, I had finished my pharmacy assistant training and I now worked in the same pharmacy where I had done my internship.
Steve worked in another pharmacy since he had graduated.

It was a warm Friday afternoon when I stepped out the door of the pharmacy. It had been a busy day at work and Steve and I had agreed to have dinner together today. I hurried to the car because I needed to shower and get ready at home and then drive to meet him. As I approached my car, I saw a lady leaning against my car.

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I couldn't see her eyes because she had sunglasses on with extra dark glasses. Why was she leaning against my car like that? Just out of the blue!

When I faced her, she straightened up and took off her sunglasses. I continued to look at her with a frown and a look full of questions.
She smiled at me.
'Hi Kimberley.', she said.

How did she know my name?


Then I said, 'Sorry, I don't think I know you.'
'Oh no. I don't think you know me. But you certainly know my husband.'
I frowned.
'Your husband?' , I asked.
'Yes. My husband: Steve.'

My heart went cold and for a small moment my world went upside down. I blinked a couple of times, shook my head at her and then took a footstep toward my car. I had to get away from there. But her hand on my shoulder stopped me. 'Wait a minute. We need to talk,' she said.
I looked up.
'I don't believe you,' I said. be continued...

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Thank you for reading.

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