Pic1000: The street lights.

Donald had wanted to pay his girlfriend a surprise visit since he last saw her, she relocated a few months back.

While they were having a conversation over the phone, he jokingly asked her to remind him where she relocated to, and she said "108 Fine Art Gardens park".

He was excited because soon he would be on leave and finally get to spend time with his woman in her new apartment.

The day arrived for him to visit Shella, his girlfriend. he started the journey even though he wasn't familiar with the streets, and he promised not to call her until he was at 108 Fine Art Garden park.

Though they chatted and whenever she asked where he was, he would reply with "just bored at home, I wish I can see you,".

She'd give a smiley emoji " Soon babe, I've missed you so much, we'll fixed a date before the month runs out", She wasn't aware of his plan.

Something funny happened, Donald left his apartment early enough to beat the traffic he might encounter, but unfortunately, he ended up being stuck in traffic that when he got to Garden park, it was 30mins past 11.
Immediately he arrived at the garden Park, the street light went out!
Everywhere was pretty dark for him to find his way, he was in two minds about whether to call Shella and tell her his plans or just find a way to 108 no matter what.

He kept going until he saw some bad guys in front of a building which looked like a bar," he paused, they could rip me off my possessions" He said to himself", he decided to hide behind one of the trees, praying for the light to come on so at least everywhere will be bright enough.



Immediately, the light came on, at once he sighted 108 by the left side of the street just right before him, he wore the wildest smile ever and felt relieved, soon enough the bad boys weren't so comfortable with the light, so they took their leave.

He rushed off to the door and knocked, to Shella's surprise it was her Donald. She excitedly Hugged him.

"Thank God for the street lights," he said while he entered the room.

The street light brought so much Joy to his soul, he could have been hurt or never gotten the opportunity to surprise his girlfriend.

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