Keep in Touch - 5 Minute Freewrite


It was a sunny afternoon and also a friday. Declan hurriedly cleared his table in preparation for the weekend. He heaved a sigh of relief when it became clear to him that the day's activities were over. This is not because he had finished all his assigned tasks but because it was already 4:00pm, the official closing time. He told himself that he must leave whatever that is left behind only to resume from there on Monday. He had a hectic week indeed.

He took his umbrella and briefcase and made for the door. From there he glided into the elevator and in a matter of minutes he was at the ground floor. "Boom!!! am finally off!", he exclaimed. He turned around to have a second look at the building that houses their gigantic office and smiled to himself slowly. "Boy, I need a rest", he muttered to himself and with that he turned round and went away.

As he was walking down to the car park he met a familiar face. It was Jane his friend during their undergraduate days. "What are you doing here"?, Jane calmed asked and with a broad smile Declan spread his arms and gave her a big hug. The wild expression of 'i couldn't believe this was you' was well written all over his face. "Please where have you been dear"? Declan asked. "You were the last person I expected to see today". Jane calmed told him that she has been around all these while and that she works in the adjourning complex as a secretary to the director of the company.

Declan took her to the nearest restaurant where they spent sometime rewinding their old days. They also exchanged contacts and promised to keep in touch. After the unplanned dinner, Declan went home feeling happy and more relaxed unlike the mood he was when he left his office that evening.

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