A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Dilemma

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I see an elderly woman holding a camera as if about to take a snapshot of something fascinating. He however lowers same to have a clear look at the said object. I think she is contemplating either to take the necessary shots or allow the moment to pass by.

Having travelled for over three hours
Jane landed at the venue of the great reawakening, She feels the nostalgia
That surrounds the entire environment.

The buildings all wear new look
The flowers all trimmed to precision
The yarn bombings all fixed to match
The breathes in and out in a hurry

As if sizing the place for a better position
She searches with her probing eyes
With each wondering as far as possible
The events of old just kept coming to him

The came the unexpected event
The municipal council boss stepped out
Of his official car to take the salute
Some people cheering, other were indifferent

But the municipal council boss feels less concerned about the demeanour of the audience who had come
To grace the occasion

Jane stood as if transfixed
This unfortunate but headline news occurred
At the event centre of the municipal council

Jane's guess met with the council boss
And she looked away. The look was a sort of sign to take a look away. But Jane stood her ground.

Soon the man close to the municipal council boss brought about a clean handkerchief
And wiped a glass cup water as if same

He dissolved some white substances into the cup and called the wife of the council boss to pass same to her husband.

Ignorantly she did and the council boss
Collected the glass cup of wine as was about to sip. Jane saw everything clearly but is afraid to capture same.

Should I take the snapshot of this wicked act
She kept asking herself.
But I do not want to put myself into trouble

I will not snap, I'll look away.


This is my entry for the #freewritehouse "A picture is worth a thousand words".

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