A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Mystical Being

I see a hooded man in an alley with a crow flying over his head. I think the man in the hood is on a sinister mission and here is my poem about it.

Prompt Image

Having travelled from afar
Jafar landed in this troubled alley
He sniffs and sharply turns around
As if death was lurking within the vicinity

The castle was deserted
And the environment looks mystic
Jafar looks around and slowly
Taking his time to decide which way to go

Hiss ears and instinct tailors
Towards any mystic sign
Picking up every detail of the vicinity
To align with his devilish inclinations

Finally he picks up one
The crow withe it's unmistakable cry
He gave an awry smile
And the castle quakes in response

He carefully selects his targets
Like a marksman on a vengeance
Fear, pity and trepidation
All fled from his hardened soul

I pity who will be my first victim
I'll snuff out life from him
And send him to his untimely grave
And I know the god's will be pleased

He waits for the final signal
And the crow cries again
A mystic cry capable of sending one
To his early grave

And like a professional marksman
He identifies his first victim
And with the stretching of the hand
And pointing on a part of the castle

Heavens rumbled and like
Flapping fans of war
Fire ignited thereat with no known escape route

The voices of men, women and children
Could be heard even from a distance
All yelling and yearning for help
Jafar stood his ground

In a matter of minutes
The messenger of conflict
Has raised down the entire castle
With no mercy for anyone

The alley is littered with blood and flesh
Yet he was unperturbed
As he moves slowly and away from the alley
He watches for yet another signs

The crow appears again
This time in a hurry and hurried voice
He read the ominous sign
And decides it was time to go!


This is my entry for the #freewritehouse "A picture is worth a thousand words".

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