5 Minutes Freewrite - BUSY STREET


Chloe went to visit her friend Jane after close of work on friday. When she got to her friend's house, she saw her friend Jane and her other siblings watching a particular movie titled Hatchet. She joined them and after about ten minutes of watching it she became interested in the movie. She asked Chloe about how she can get a copy of same. Jane promised to take her to the movie rental shop where she rented the movie CD plate.

When Chloe was about to take her leave, Jane, as promised decided to take her friend tot the movie rental shop. She took her friend Chloe through a narrow path, just behind their backyard and after few steps they burst into the busy street where the movie rental shop is located on the far left hand side of the street. As they were also strolling towards the shop, young men were making passes at them but Jane was not even in that mood as her parents had earlier instructed her to return home soonest so that they can prepare their dinner on time.

On getting to the rental shop, the shop owner was not around but left his entrance door half open. This is a common norm among traders and salesmen to show that the owner did not wander away too far. The girls decided to tarry a little. Soon the owner appeared and the girls were let into the shop. Chloe made her request and the shop owner handed it over to her. Incidentally, that was the only copy of the movie remaining in his shop as others are yet to return the ones already rented out.

The two girls were happy that they got it afterall, having trekked down and waited for the shop owner for sometime before he showed up. Jane bade her friend Chloe farewell and both girls joyfully departed to their various homes.

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