5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday Prompt - They Are Coming


The rains have subsided a little bit. Dora accompanied the mum to farm. It was also time for weeding. Their farm was bushy following weeks of torrential rains. It then requires weeding to enable farm crops like melon, cassava, maize, etc to flourish.

Most of her friends hate farmwork but Dora is an exception. She does not fear domestic chores nor farmwork. So upon getting to the farm and seeing how bushy and overgrown it is with weeds she was therefore not afraid to handle the weeds. She started weeding from a part of the farm while her mum joined from the other side of the farm. Occasionally, she will burst into songs with the mum giving her some backups.

Suddenly she heard a sound which is animalistic. She stopped weeding, looked up and tried to gather from which part of the farm the noise was coming out from. When she had determined that, the next thing was to find out the animal that was making the sound. She looked intently towards that direction and saw more than a dozen of wild pigs foraging in a nearby farm! She was surprised and called out the mum.

"Mother, please stop whatever you are doing and come and have a look at this," she said. The mum dropped her hoe, tiptoed and came over. "My dear this is amazing o, they have eaten up the whole crops in that farm." "I wonder what the owner will do whenever he comes to farm to Inspect his crops," the mum said. "Mum, they are even coming towards our own farm. Please let's hide before they attack us", Dora said. "I have heard that wild pigs are always aggressive and more destructive".

With that, both mother and child hid behind some hedges and watch as the marauding pig aggressively wiggled their way through their farmland with reckless abandon.

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