Day 1982: 5 Minute Freewrite:Prompt: bank failure

This is my entry for Day 1982: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: bank failure

The news spreads out fast when the government of ZilliZullu country decided to bail out one of the banks that almost went bankrupt. The news sent shockwaves all across the globe because there has been no indication that a big and advanced country like ZilliZullu could have such a problem in its banking system.

The government's decision also causes some problems within the country, as most of the citizens don't really like how they handle the situation. They don't want the tax money that is deducted from their payroll to be used to help the bank.

"Why should we use that money to cover up the Bank failure?" one of the citizens criticized.

But it seems that there is nothing they can do, once the most advanced country on the globe is on the brink of collapsing.

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