Day 1948: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: drooping branch

This is my entry for 5 minutes free write with prompt drooping branch. I missed the 5 minutes mark a little bit, to end the story. 😁

Bruno sits in his office, and both of his hands hold his head. There are a lot of things going on in his head. Time is not really good at the moment with his business.

He has to find a way to cut down his expenses. One option is to cut down his employee, but he just could not yet do it, because he knows well the feeling of being let go by the company.

He was homeless before because of that before managed to set up his current business. Now he has to face a different type of issue, and that has direct consequences for his employee.

Then after some time, he finally makes up his mind and comes up with the decision. He has to close down one of his drooping branches. Eventough that was the first branch he opened after the home base. With that, he hopes to cut down his expenses while keeping the employee in hope that better times for his business will come soon.

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