A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

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I see a teddy bear, a broken toy and two screw drivers. I feel that a man is about to fix same for his son.

Ryan has been away from home for the last two years. Before he left the wife was pregnant. Barely three months away from home, the wife delivered a bouncing baby boy. It was still letter writing that was the order of the day.

On a cool afternoon, the Postman came along and delivered a letter to him. Ryan, who hasn't received any letters since he arrived was perplexed. But as a man, he summoned courage and opened it. It was from his beloved wife. "Hey darling, trust you are good...", Ryan's eyes quickly raced along the length and breadth of the letter. He was just expectant. He wants to know immediately what the letter was written in the first place. What must have happened. He caught a paragraph that almost jolted him, "....I've just been delivered of a bouncing baby boy...."

Yeah, am now a father! Oh, that's great. His temperature started to come down. That was almost two years ago. And now he needs to go home and see them this Christmas. He does not have enough money on him. He needs to buy things for the wide and his baby boy.

Ryan, managed to get a few things for the wife. But for the son, he has a plan. There, at home, he has some toys neatly parked in one of his bags. He will look at them, fix those that requires just that. He has his screws too. Any broken parts will definitely be fixed. His little boy will finally have something from him.

This is my participation in the #freewritehouse "A picture is worth a thousand words". To join the contest find out the details via this LINK

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