5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday Prompt - Badger


Henry is a hunter. He loves hunting games for fun. He has killed many animals in the process. Whenever he kills a game he skins it, sundry it and keep it's skin for remembrance of his exploits. Henry has not killed badger before in his years of hunting. He then made up his mind that he will kill one to add to his increasing sourvenir.

He hunted for four days in a row without success. He decided to set a trap for it. He has seen where badgers normally pass through, that is, their feeding route and he decided it was time to set traps for it there. His collection must be increased this weekend he said while setting up the traps. He smiled to himself when he had finished and left for home. He was full of confidence that this time one of the traps will make him smile home soonest.

The next morning he came along to inspect the trap. He watched from afar and saw that something is struggling to free itself from one of the traps. His heart started pounding heavily. He increased his steps with full expectations. Lo and behold the trap had caught a big badger! The badger was still alive and struggling seriously to free itself from the trap.

Instinctively and anxiously Henry forgot to use the cutlass he was having with him and decided to grab it with his bare hands. The badger intensified it's struggle to run away and as Henry grabbed it, the badger gave him a bite and he shouted, threw it away and in the process the rope holding the badger's leg loosend and it fled into the bush.

Henry picked up his cutlass and gave it a hot pursuit but it was a futile effort as the badger raceds away. Henry was filled with regrets thereafter. He grudgingly sauntered home.

This short story is a five-minute freewrite inspired by the prompt: "Badger". Join the @freewriters community to receive daily prompts, hosted by @mariannewest

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