5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday Prompt: Admire

Woman walking by @agmoore

Every morning Ndx stands at his balcony to watch Udy go to work. He has formed it as a habit such that he even unconsciously stands there once it is 7:00 o'clock. He knows that she will pass through his house on her way to work and back.

Udy is a beauty queen. Slim, tall, tone skin and well plaited hair. She is every man's dream girlfriend/wife. But Ndx is a shy guy. He does not know how to approach Udy and tell her what he feels for her. He ultimately elected to become a secret admirer.

Watching her from a distance today, Ndx finally made up his mind to at long last break the ice. But alas, his frail and fragile courage disappointed him once again. Immediately Udy came along, he pretended as if he was watching vehicles passing along his streets but in earnest, it was Udy that he was looking out for as always.

His secret admiration for Udy continued until the day Udy mistakenly looked towards his direction and they made an eye contact!!! He couldn't even summon the courage to say hello. A golden opportunity to make a move slipped away just like that.

He consoled himself once again that a golden opportunity will present itself another day. This time he promised himself that he must be man enough, bold enough to tell her his mind. That fateful day it started raining unexpected and both Udy and Ndx coincidentally had to take shelter under one roof. They made several eye contacts and yet Ndx couldn't summon the courage to say anything to her.

The rain started to subside and Udy started preparing to leave the shelter. No, you can do it, you can do it. Boy!!! Those were the words running in the head of Ndx. Suddenly and with trepid steps and trembling voice he walked up to Udy and said hello. Udy calmly responded with a soft mind-melting voice and with the last courage in him he whispered to her: "I've been admiring you for ages, I love you. Can we be friends?. Udy calmly and softly replied, well, give me some time, I'll think about it.

Now, whether Udy accepted the proposal or not...your guess is as good as mine.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Thanks to @agmoore for providing the 'Walking Woman' image for use via the LIL @lmac gallery.

This short story is a five-minute freewrite inspired by the prompt: ADMIRE. Join the @freewriters community to receive daily prompts, hosted by @mariannewest

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