5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday Prompt: Hype


The election is just two weeks away. Greg have not campaigned the way he wanted. He was having the feelings that if he really intends to win he must enjoy alot of publicity from both the print media, that is newspapers and magazines, broadcast news such as radio and television and the Internet which includes online newspapers, news blogs, news videos, live news streaming, etc. This however involves huge capital outlay to really actualise.

Greg does not have the money for all that. He thought of what to do and an idea came to him and he nodded in happily and smiling in the process. He then called Jack his bank manager friend for a soft loan to bankroll the massive publicity he craves. Jack obliged him and the loan was approved and money made available to him. Greg immediately swung into action. He personally contacted editors of major media houses circulating within his vicinity. Fees were agreed and money disbursed accordingly to them.

In a matter of days Greg's candidacy was publicised everywhere. All the major news media houses were awash with several campaign messages and jingles of Greg. Infact both adult and children started singing them wherever they go. It was indeed the rave of the moment.

The hype enjoyed by Greg for two weeks was unprecedented. His opponents became afraid. The news media houses were effectively doing the campaign work for Greg. Whenever he listens or watches the jingles and publicity on air he feels a bit relaxed. This election must be won by me, he mutters.

On the day of the election, people came out en-mass and voted. Most voters were heard humming Greg's jungles even in their various polling booths. Such were the effects of the media hype. Results were announced ands Greg won convincingly thanks to the media hype he enjoyed two weeks prior to the election.

This short story is a five-minute freewrite inspired by the prompt: "Hype". Join the @freewriters community to receive daily prompts, hosted by @mariannewest

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