ZapFic50Monday - The Front Company

This post is inspired by a writing prompt in the Freewriters community - It isn't just Monday... It's #ZapFic50Monday! - the prompt is "company".

Image created by AI in

“Creating Venn Pharmaceuticals as a front company seemed a stroke of genius.”

Jean sighed.

“How was I to know that by 2023 pharmaceutical companies would be regarded as the epitome of evil ?”

“I’ll have to change it. Being a vampire associated with a pharma business is a dead giveaway.”

For any of my friends (or anyone else, for that matter !) who reads this and fancies giving it a try, it's really fun and thought provoking. The rules are really simple;

  • The Freewriters Community has a Zapfic post with a writing prompt every Monday alternating between posts up to 240 characters exactly 50 word posts.
  • Your response must be posted within 3 days in the Freewriters Community.
  • Please post a link to your entry in the comments section of the prompt post
  • Please use #freewritehouse and #zapfic tags.
  • The important one - YOU MUST use a word/character counter (if you search for word counter on the internet or in your phone's app store you will get a big choice!) and include a screenshot. Entries without a screenshot will NOT be valid.
  • Please use the prompt provided as you see fit (use your imagination)
  • Try to tell a complete story if you can!
  • The story should only be up to 240 characters long (including spaces, punctuation etc) or exactly 50 words long.
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