Peace in the waves | A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

Greetings, it is a pleasure for me to make my first publication in this community participating in a contest that I found very interesting to express our perception of a specific image if you are interested visit the contest link here

Image of the contest.

The way we perceive things depends on a variety of factors, including our upbringing, our previous experiences, our values and beliefs, our emotions, and our environment. All of these things can influence the way we interpret and perceive the world. For example, a person may have a different perspective on an issue simply because he experienced something different in the past. Also, we can perceive a situation differently if we have a different perspective on our emotions. Therefore, it is common for people to have different opinions and perceptions on the same topic.

What I see?

One afternoon after a warm day on a coast somewhere near America as the tide begins to rise and erodes the rocks it finds on the shores it lands on. A place away from humans where very occasionally a bird is heard among the roars of the waves.

What I feel?

Peace. Peace is a state of harmony and mental tranquility that all human beings desire. It is an abstract concept, but it is a situation of well-being for all living beings. The only thing that is heard in that place are the waves and the occasional bird, a perfect secluded place to meditate and find inner peace.

Write a story or poem or about what you think is going

The waves crash against the shore
Tumbling in, the gentle roar
A soothing sound that calms the soul
Throwing its arms around the shoreline's goal

The moonlight reflects off the sea
Creating a sparkle that sets me free
The night is still with the sound of waves
Bringing me peace as night departs and days

The surf is a lullaby as it meets the sand
It cleanses my worries as I take a stand
The waves they come, they go, they come again
Forever they'll show me where I've been

The shoreline is a place of peace and serenity
A place I can go when life's just not me
The waves they never cease, they are ever strong
A reminder of life that goes on and on.

All resources are from my own or free use. Original content and exclusive for Hive.

Thanks, @Alejos7ven.

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