A Pic Equals A Thousand Words


This is my submission for the challenge A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words; (a contest organised by @freewritehouse).

What I See
I see a bag in the middle of a dirt and lonely road.

What I Feel
I will share two feelings I have about this pic.

  1. I feel the bag was placed there on purpose as a bait to lure travellers to take a look with aim to capture them.

  2. Another feeling is that the bag must have dropped off the booth of a moving car.

The most prevalent of my feelings about the pic is the former and the latter was easy to dismiss.

My Story: The Obvious Bait
It will be a long journey, Leon thought.

One thing he was grateful for was that he could afford a comfortable vehicle for the journey this time.

The first time, he was frugal enough to have had a stressful journey to and fro. It was there and then, he chose not to follow that path of being frugal when next he embarks on this journey.

The Unfateful Path

Immediately, he saw that the driver took a detour!

He became uneasy. He looked around to see if there will be any objection by other passengers; none!

Is it that this was the actual and normal route? It is not a familiar path for sure. Untarred! A dirt road! Lonely - an openroad, no one or town in sight! They seem to be the only travellers on it!

Leon had to keep his calm as other passengers seem to be unperturbed about the recent development.

Not too far along the new path, an alluring distraction was found!

A bag!

A bag in the midst of the untarred road!

The passengers were frantic and excited about this discovery.

This time, Leon, was the only passenger that was not unperturbed about it.

Suddenly, the passengers were bidding for the driver to stop the vehicle so they explore their new find.

Leon did not know when he shouted at the top of his lungs,

Don't you dare stop this vehicl-!

All eyes on him - the driver immediately the bus before he could finish his command!

The bus had already driven past the bag just a few miles ahead - like 3 steps.

Did the driver stop the bus on purpose? Or was it the way he shouted at him? Was he shaken by the way he shouted and his response was to stop the bus still? So many questions in Leon's head as the other passengers alighted the bus.

More like an eagle view, he watched the passengers-turned-explorers from the rear windshield and in a blink of an eye, he spotted movements between the low grasses few miles away from the path.

He quickly called out for them (the other passengers) to return to the bus but they seemed engrossed in their finding which he has confirmed as the obvious bait that he thought it was at first.

Not too long, they (the other passengers) became aware of the new development as they were round up by a dozen armed men.

The Rescue

Leon quickly hid himself, disregarding his eagle view.

He remained still and kept hearing the forceful commands being meted out by the captors.

Everybody, lie down! Hey, you lie down!

Not too long he became confused. He seemed to hear another command, more like a counter to the former ones.

Your hands in the air! Place your hands in the air now!

What's happening?

With little courage, he took a peek and saw men in uniforms - the police.

He returned back to his position but this time without fear.

He concluded that he could cause a steer or confusion if jumps out with the excitement he feels about this sudden rescue.

He could be shot at!

So, he maintained his hiding position, hoping they (the police) come to get him out.

Thank you for reading.

Share your opinion on this.
Was it a wise decision for Leon to continue in his hidden position till the police actually come to his rescue?

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