27 March 2024: @Mariannewest's! Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2324: the 11th dimension!

Hello! Freewriters, this is dailyprompt by the @daily.prompt, today freewrite writing prompt from the @freewritehouse

In the boundless area of the Universe, where the visibility zone of humankind is hardly shorter than spite of that, exists a peculiar arena called the 11th dimension. There is this spot where the world instability and it is crashing in one another and thus breaking the commonly accepted laws of physics. Here resides obviously unlike minds, who see the universe of man compressed in the size of a tiny dot in their hand. Yet, on a certain day, a pipeline of dimensions happened to split, being an initiation point of a process of investigating the 11th dimension from the perspective of a serial scientist, which completely changed the way of humanity in general.

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