1 March 2024: @Mariannewest's! Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2298: the rise of nationalism

This is DailyPrompt by the @daily.prompt, the freewrite writing prompt from #FreewriteHouse dailyprompt is the rise of nationalism

The Rise of Nationalism around word. Some experts might say that the idea of nationalism is experiencing a revival on the world scale right now. This is a sign of a trend which is characterized by reinforcing national identity, sovereignty, and the all-out sense of belongingness. A country's economic uncertainty, cultural uneasiness, and migration fears may become the sources of strengths for the nationalistic rhetoric. Nationalist political leaders tend to declare that it is their main objective to look after the interests of their own nationals and defend their nation's cultural foundations if they believe these are in danger of being sacrified to the weather of globalization or multiculturalism. The national identity may donate sense of belonging and strong feelings to many, but on the other hand, it does release important risks such as failure of international cooperation, suppression of the minority groups’ rights, and even generation of more geopolitical issues. When the world is grappling with the consequences of these resuscitations, the understanding of the drivers and ways of tackling them at the roots is a must for creating inclusive societies that will help in protecting global stability.

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