A wonderful first Sunday -

It's the first Sunday of the month, September. Thank God for sparing our lives from January down till now.


I am so happy to be among those alive to go and give thanks to God.
I got in from service not quite long. My service starts at 11:30am and ends by 1:30pm.

But after service, my family and I went for volunteering work. It's a wonderful Sunday. We love doing our own part for God as well 😃

At service, we learnt how to have a reverential fear of God . We do not need to have a morbid fear of God, but that fear that we may lose our friendship with him if we displease him is what we need.

The example of Obadiah struck me. Not the prophet Obadiah but another Obadiah who lived during the time of King Ahab. He served in the royal house. He lived at a time when king Ahab's wife Jezebel wanted to wipe God's people, but with courage, he took the risk of hiding about 100 of them in groups of 50. He even gave them bread and water.

To take 100 bread away from the King's courtyard definitely was risky. He could have been caught, but his love for God and his servants was more important than his life.
He loves God, he knew he could do something. He knew it would be a sin if he didn't do what was right. His fear of displeasing God by not doing anything caused him to help God's people in need. We too should have intense love for God and fear to do what is bad in his eyes.

After the service, we went for volunteering. I went with my kids. We worked for some hours. But at a point it started raining and we had to make it brief and head home.


Despite the weather, we did our best for today and when we got back home, we ate bread and tea. No strength to cook yet.
We are alive and thriving, no matter the stress of the day, but today has been amazing

Thanks for stopping by.


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